I want to convert char array to FString.
char * arr;
I searched the forum, common suggested way include
std::string tempSting(arr);
FString fs1 = FString(tempSting.c_str());
FString fs2 = FString(ANSI_TO_TCHAR(arr));
FString fs3 = FString(UTF8_TO_TCHAR(arr));
These solutions do work for simple char like char * arr = “Unreal 4!”;
However, my char * include lots of uncommon characters.
For example, char * arr = ““€V]¾\x10Y¾¸ÇT¾˜\x1S¾È‚Q¾\x10ñO¾\b>L¾@ðJ¾¸MI¾˜\xeI¾ ÕF¾@$G¾\b“G¾h2I¾ø\x13I¾XõI¾\b-L¾Ð&N¾hQ¾@{U¾€º¾À²_¾””
Any idea how can I convert char array or char pointer to FString?
I need the conversion so that I can send the char array over internet to another machine.