Convert buttons to VR controllers

Hello dear community. I have converted my first person game into VR mode. However I am a bit stuck concerning on how to convert to buttons.

  • E-key is to pick up an object
  • Right-click mouse is to shoot

How can I convert them to do those actions with the controllers?

Thanks a lot

(post deleted by author)

To convert the E-key and Right-click mouse actions to controller actions in your VR game, you can use the Enhanced Input system in Unreal Engine. In the Enhanced Input system, you can map actions to specific controller buttons or triggers.

For the E-key action, you can map it to the “Grab” or “Pick Up” action on the controller. This will allow players to interact with objects in the game using the controller.

For the Right-click mouse action, you can map it to the “Fire” or “Shoot” action on the controller. This will allow players to shoot objects in the game using the controller.

To map these actions, you will need to go to the “Project Settings” in Unreal Engine and navigate to the “Input” section. From there, you can create new input actions and map them to specific controller buttons or triggers. You can also adjust the sensitivity and other settings for each input action to fine-tune the gameplay experience.