Convert a blueprint to an editor utility blueprint

Hi, I created an actor blueprint and reparent his parent class to be an editor utility blueprint.
Since 5.4, I have this warning telling me that the asset does not have the proper type and need to be converted. Here is the warning
BP_Name has an incorrect BP Type - This type of blueprint (File path) needs to be converted
How can I convert the asset, I found no documentation about it

In the BP Editor under File → Reparenting would be the correct way.
I have the same issue since 5.3 though.

My solution was, to create a new Editor Utility BPs and copy/paste all functions…

Sadly the blueprint is referenced in several place, replacing the reference could be problematic and since the warning ask me to convert it, there must be a way

Also question, what is the exact difference between reparenting this way and reparenting through the blueprint settings?

I’m not sure. I thought I’ve read it in the docs that “this is the way” but can not find it :sweat_smile:

But I see some strange behaviour with both kind of reparented BPs.

For example when you reparent an Actor to an EditorUtilityActor the editor callable functions are in the details panel, when you drop it into a level, although they shouldn’t. (Calling Blueprints In The Unreal Editor | Unreal Engine 5.4 Documentation | Epic Developer Community)

When you create a new Blueprint from EditorUtilityActor it’s correct.

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