Convert a Blueprint back to Data only BP

If i open a “data only” blueprint, basically a BP without using a parent Ctor, i see the compact editor. If i now click on the “use full editor” option, this choice is permanently picked and i cant revert back to the compact view, even if i did not add any new nodes/logic?

So how can i revert back to compact data only view for such BP?

We would also like a option to lock a BP to “Data only”, so artists cant simply click this “view full BP editor” option that gets saved. This is to make clear what BP’s only contain new settings/data and should be placed in the level, similar to the UE3 archtypes.

PS: So far we can’t find a way to convert a BP back to a “data only” blueprint if you clicked this “view” option once, even if nothing changed at all. It seems its saved somehow and can’t be reset?

Hello ,

The only way to revert the blueprint back to Data-Only is to not make any changes, meaning adding nodes or components, and then restarting the editor. Currently, there is no way to lock the blueprint to data-only, but I have gone ahead and entered a Feature Request for this option, UE-23011. Thank you for your suggestion.


+1 I would also like to vote for this feature.

Any updates about this feature request?

Hello mcmatze,

There are currently no updates I can provide on this request. The developers are currently focusing most of their efforts on high-priority crashes and showstoppers. However, I will provide updates as they become available.

Have a great day

You can check status and vote for UE-23011.

It would also be good if we would have the option to change parent class in a data only BP. Right now one would have to open a full blueprint editor in order to change it and then restart the editor.

Unknown Issue We’re unable to find any
record of this issue.

Hi, Sean.

I was wondering if there’s any new update on this issue? The link for the UE-23011 feature request ticket seems to be dead.

Hey Feureau,

We’re no longer tracking feature requests publicly, which is why you’re not able to view the link. This is currently still being investigated by our developers, but there is no timeline as far as if or when this will be implemented at this time.

Have a great day

After 3 years now, do you have any news about your investigation?

Hi Mellnik,

I went and took a look at the feature request in our database and this has not been implemented at this time. We are currently focusing our efforts on high-priority crashes and bug fixes, and the feature request is not a guarantee that this will be implemented.

With this in mind, I’d like to remind you that you have access to the source, so you or a coder on your team are welcome to implement this feature yourself and put in a pull request.

Have a great day,


For any dev, Epic or otherwise: see FBlueprintEditorUtils::IsDataOnlyBlueprint, this drops out and returns false when the blueprint is not data only - trace through and see when it returns false to see what condition is causing it to be “not a data-only blueprint”.

Edit: If you see a node without the “This node is disabled” comment, it is active and therefore will prevent the “data-only” interface from being shown. I.e. if your begin play has the “disabled” comment, but the tick doesn’t, the Tick event is considered active, even if there are no nodes branching off of it. In this case, you can delete the Tick Event, close the blueprint and re-open, and it should now be considered “data-only”.

Presuming you have not made any changes to make it a non-data only asset, you can save the asset, then reload it (Right-click asset > Asset actions > Reload) which will make it appear as data-only the next time it is opened.

Or if you don’t want to save any changes, just reload it.


Thank you!