Convert 360 degrees float (wind direction) for RotateAboutAxis (material) to apply a wind force in the right direction?

math? question… I have a wind directional degrees (for example, 180 degrees) in a variable : that comes from theultra dynamic weather plugin - that i am trying to convert into a vector (i think?) to make the direction apply correct to a material (wind animation) in my material Screenshot_1|690x429

any tips would be great!

I have implemented a wind controller which allows me to set the direction of the wind based on the rotation of an actor. I used material collection parameters to achieve that. you can take a look here. Might be useful.
Global Directional Wind
wind direction_1

Hi, I have the same problem and cannot find any solution. Did you have any luck ?

The issue I think to OP is having and the same as mine is that for some materials instead of using a scalar MPC value they use a vector MPC for wind direction. So how do we convert 0-360 to a vector parameter.