Controls not working after Main Menu screen

So I’ve created a main menu, when I click “play”, the level opens just as it’s supposed to. However, player controls don’t work at all. When I launch the level in the editor without going through the main menu, the controls work. What do I need to do to make the controls work?

Can you give more info about your MainMenu screen setup?

Also check this link.

Sorry about that, I thought that I forgot about an important blueprint which enables the controls.

Blueprint of the playable level: Screenshot by Lightshot

Main Menu widget: Screenshot by Lightshot

Blueprint of the Main Menu widget: Screenshot by Lightshot

do you have input set to auto receive input?

I don’t think so. How could I change this? Would it fix my issue?

In the defaults tab of your blueprint you’ll need to set the drop down menu for “Auto Receive Input” from Disabled to player 0.

there is doc about enable/disable input from bp: [Setting up input on Actor in BP][2]

I’ve just done that, but nothing changed. Tried changing it in both, the Main Menu map and the level map. When I change it in the main menu, then the main menu doesn’t work, but the character spawns. When I change it in the actual level, there’s no difference.

your possessing the character right? and what are your input controls like? IF you click on the screen after loading the level does that change anything? sometimes the focus isnt right even when you enable game input only/

Sorry for the late reply. Nothing happens when I click the screen. How do you mean what are my input controls like?