controlling multiple pawns with one controller?

Hey everyone,

So I have a prototype where I want to control two pawns with a single controler, and a single camera (local co-op, no split screen)

Well, what I really want would be two multiple controllers, but just for prototyping reasons, simply having actions bound to controler and keyboard would be best for my current situation.

I would like to get this through blueprints, but nothing is set in stone.

Has anyone made a local co-op game before? Cuz I would really appreciate it if you shared your findings!

There is a community RTS project, search for it in this forum, that should help you with control multiple pawn at once.
for local coop, there are also topic about create additional player so the controller input are separated.

I’ve searched for a local co-op thread, but I haven’t found anything that has been solved, yet!

probably people figure things out and not bother to post what they found? :wink:

so, how about sharing what you tried so far, what’s good and what’s not working?
nope, I have not tried something like this yet, so I only have rough idea what was mentioned in threads that showed up in the past.

Well, I don’t really have anything to show, I’ve gotten stumped right out the gate.

I downloaded the ‘couch knights’ demo, since that has co-op, but I cant make heads or tails of it!

I guess I should get into more detail. I’ll post more when I get home from work. I do have a project I was working on that ended up just sitting there tucked away in my computer due to me not being able to figure out how to do local co-op. I posted it here in another account. I’m pretty sure you saw it since you are so active here :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve skipped forum for a while and resume active checking just last week. as i figure helping people out is best way to get myself up to date with engine changes.

Sorry, I got a bit carried away!

I would like to let everyone know that I figured it out! It was really simple, really.

All you have to do is hit the ‘~’ key and type in ‘debugcreateplayer 1’ It will split the screen and spawn another player. If you have two controllers hooked up (and at least for the xbox controllers it should have one with the player 1 light and the other with the player 2 light activated) you can control it just fine!

Now, to get what I wanted, I just had to go to edit>project settings and go to ‘maps and modes’ and uncheck ‘use split screen’!

And here is my result!

good job, also, you can use OBS for recording, free and better quality, plus you can get rid of that ugly watermark.

obs. I’ll check it out, thanks!

I’ll probably make a progress thread when I get more content in here, keep an eye out!