Hi all,
I am developping a simulation, that will need to be controlled by an other pc.
To make it simple : the simulation will be on a quickass machine.
But to launch it, and send some commands (could be bound to certain keys, like Spacebar do something, E an other thing, etc…), it will come from an other PC.
It is not a game per se, so no player to controls. Just events to be triggered.
How can I do that? The simulation is done and the events currently linked to keys. How can I open it to be controlled from outside.
Any input appreciated.
Thank you in advance
You could use a message bus and a headless client UE4 Game Engine using UDP. Quick examples of what I mean to get you started:
This link will show you how to get the bare minimum set up for using a message bus. Nice thing is you can hide the console and just collect input normally, or you can show the console, your preference:
Then you would obviously set up the server like a normal dedicated server for UE4, with minor exceptions in regards to handling players (since you don’t want player controllers, etc.)
More message bus info:
Thank you, I will look into that. Much appreciated