So, I am attempting to create an elevator panel that, when activated, will allow the player to select the floor of their choosing. The mechanic is this; at the beginning of play the level gets the actor location for both the left and right elevator doors and sets them using a vector. The player can access an elevator call button outside the elevator and, when prompted, the player can press F to open the elevator doors. The doors open based on a trigger box that enables input so that, when f is pressed, if true, a timeline sequence begins that moves the doors. Upon exiting the trigger box and entering the elevator, the doors will shut behind the player.
When the player activates a floor selection trigger box on the interior of the elevator, a widget is created that gives the player a floor selection. Upon selecting a floor the player is not on the level will simply load placing the player in the start location of that map. However, if they choose to press the button of the floor they are currently on, I’d like the doors to open.
The problem is, I’m not quite sure how to call to a timeline from within the widget or call to the level blueprint for that matter. Is there a way to get it so that the widget can talk to the level or am I making this harder on myself? Perhaps there is a more refined way to do this but I’ve searched quite a bit and have been unable to find the answers. Any help would be absolutely lovely.