Controlling collision/Physics on Destructable Chunks

is there a way to control collisions on destructable chunks after the destructable has been fractured?

Nothing seems to work - post fracture. Collision/Physics/Damping - none of the nodes seem to have an effect after fracture - is this a bug or am I missing something?

For example - the Print String here after I set the collision to ‘No Collision’ still Prints as ‘enabled query and physics’ and still collides?

Also on a separate note - is there a way of setting the pivot point on each chunk? The chunks often rotate strangely as though the pivots are not centered properly

Hey there @Fnordcorps! Most interactions with chaos physics chunks only occur inside of fields! What’s your use case? It sounds like you’re just trying to disable the collisions. There’s a special field just for that! Tutorial below shows how to use a couple. The disable field seems like the one you want most accurately at around 7ish minutes.

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thanks for the reply but I am using UE4/ 4.27 with PhysX currently. Was thinking of moving to Chaos for my project but not sure what the impact will have on my VR project

Ahhh that makes sense, unfortunately I’m not super well versed in the classic PhysX Apex destruction way of doing things (besides the very basics of fracturing it). I’m going to do a bit of digging on the class itself and see if there’s a better way to do it, but it seems like Clockwork answered something similar a little while ago.

Looks like there may not be a method specifically for the chunks.

Atm im using 5.1.1. With chaos destruction is there a way to dissolve or destroy the broken off chunks when they are in the disabled or kill state. I want to set the collision off so I can’t use the sleep state. But if I don’t use the sleep state then there is no way to set the dissolve or removal of the broken of chunks.

It would seem like a obvious feature for epic add, to be able to remove the chunks which are in the disabled or kill state or to be able to disable collision on the sleep state chunks. But I don’t seem to find anything from the fields or settings which would help. Even something like setting material parameters of the broken chunks would help so I could make my own dissolve with material parameters.