Controlling animation Montage using widget buttons?


I’m working on a project that requires me to control an animation with a widget.
I’ve dug around quite a bit and haven’t been able to get anywhere with this.
Could really use some help and/or advice on how to do this…

The animation I’m controlling is a sequence of steps (3 to be exact) that’s only animated in one direction, and I have buttons to control the direction of play (changing the play rate from +1 to -1) for each step.

The closest I’ve gotten to what I’m trying to achieve is by placing the 3 animation strips (I exported them separately as FBX) into a Montage and creating sections between them so that I can use ‘Play Montage’ in the widget event graph (also tried calling a Custom Event in the Actor BP, but from what I can tell there’s no difference)

What ends up happening is pretty close to what I need, which is playing from the corresponding section’s start until its end (Only stops at the section’s end when ‘Auto Blend Out’ is turned on in the Montage),
The issue here is - rather than stopping at the last frame of the section, it still seems to be blending to the first frame of the section (I don’t have looping enabled and have set the Blend times to 0)

Also, I’d like to use the Montage as there is a cool effect that I’d like to keep where the animation rushes through the first 2 steps if I hit the third button and plays that picked step normally…
