Controlling Animation By The On/Off Toggle Of The Item

So, I have this nice generator, it’s a basic layout currently.

I have a generator BP - which has the skeletal mesh animation on it - that skeleton has the Animation BP attached.

In that BP, I set up the state machine with an on/off for the only animation it has.
To switch between those two states, it looks at a boolean called TurnedOn.
I need to set that boolean to when the generator is on or off by the player’s action.

This is where I am stuck, I can’t find that last bit of information: Is the generator on/off.

Anyone messed with these as deep yet?


Ka-chow! Bumpitty Bump Bump.

Hey CFrankie, structures usually have a “Container Activated” bool that you can check.

Well, I can SET the container active or not. but I can’t seem to Check It. :smiley:

Because you are trying to get it from the animbp which does not have the variable, you will need to cast to your Generator BP to get it. Also always check “Context Sensitive” when looking for variables.

Oh My goodness-- sometimes it takes a pair of eyes NOT face planted into the project to see something silly as that. Thanks.