Controller input returning keyboard input


I seem to have broken my input mappings after trying to add some other inputs, everything was working fine earlier.

It’s not entirely clear from the video but I am using a controller to input the key and for a lot of them it seems to be falsely returning a keyboard input.

I can still manually search for the gamepad binding but when I trigger an InputAction like below it also fires a keyboard event. This action is mapped to the Left Shoulder button but it also says I am clicking Left Ctrl. The problem with this is now my character crouches everytime I open my weapon wheel.

I am using 2 Xbox Series Controllers and the issue occurs on both. Does anyone have a fix for this?

Ok, so I just restarted my PC and now it’s working like normal. Restarting the editor did nothing. I’ll keep this post up incase anyone else has the same issue.