Controller input input not responding

I’m spawning in 1-4 different Pawns for a local multiplayer match. When I do so I have the characters possess a pawn, and they all get given an independent controller ID from between 0-3 however when I try to move one of them with my controller I get no response.

I’ve gone through trying to debug different parts and it seems that even though my player controller gets a reference to the pawn and is logged through, when it comes to firing a input from it nothing happens.

My question might be dumb, but did you check, that Enable Input is set? It happened to me several times, that I just forgot that, that’s why I ask.

Where is enable input? I’m new to unreal

“enable input” is a BP node, if you want to do a local multiplayer check this chain of videos UE4 / Unreal Engine 4 Multiplayer - #01 Local Multiplayer Set up - YouTube

For example, you can do this in your actor blueprint on beginplay:


There’s also a Disable Input node available in blueprint.

It’s always very useful to check Mathew Wadsteins excellent tutorials, Here is a link on his tutorial on Enable/Disable input. He really does a great job explaining almost all blueprint nodes you can imagine.