Controlled by webcamera with body move in the final game build.

Hi everyone! I tried to make an instalation which is run in Unreal Engine 5. This is an event instalation.
The concept is: I have one physical door in the space which have a hidden camera in the top of the door. The user enter in front of the door and the camera recognize the person body, which support the perspective correction when the person moving in the dedicated area. In the (opened) door hole have a display screen on which the content created in UE5 will run.
I’ll put a link here from where I got inspiration:

I solved the bodytracking with one script which i connected to the OSC system. In the UE5 i make this tutorial for the connection and it’s works!


Everything is working together fine but… in the program when i play the game from the camera view is working fine also. Then i recognized the last (i hope) obstacle. How can i build for windows this static scene? I want to control the buildt game with my body and I want my character to be the camera. How can i solved this two problem? Any idea?

Here is two picture from the scene:

If you have any question please let me know!
Thank you for reading!:slight_smile: