Right now, I have a Public Bool (“Activate”) on the Control Rig. In the Animation Blueprint, this Bool is set as a Pin.
Then, I have a Bool (“LMB Down”) on the Animation Blueprint. This is set by an input on the Character Blueprint.
All of the above works fine…Except, for some reason I can’t figure out, the Control Rig reads the “Activate” Bool as flipping between whatever it’s being set to from outside the Rig and the default value within the Rig. If I set it within the Rig, it works fine. I’ve disconnected everything except for a print node that outputs only the current state of the “Activate” Bool, and directly set the Animation Blueprint’s “Activate” Pin to True, and it still happens. There’s not even a way for the Control Rig to set it, so I’m just…confused and frustrated.
I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong, or what it could be. If I knew how, I’d have the input from the Character Blueprint directly activate an Event on the Control Rig, but I can’t figure out how to do that without breaking everything else. I don’t even know if that would help.