Howdy, It seems I am Unable to get this control rig configuration to mimic the left side. Both are translated forward. Yet the right breaks. I can provide any screenshots of my configuration that you need.
I presume you are doing something like this for each arm? This is for the right arm on an unreal mannequin but the left arm has different primary axis and secondary axis entries - the values you see are negated.
By the way, I have opened your image in a new tab and tried to zoom in but it is too fuzzy to read anything.
THANK you for replying. I am using a full body ik setup similar to that yes. Thank you for letting me know about the image I had no idea. heres a video
You have a collapsed graph as one of your nodes. What is in there? Because, if you look at the image I posted earlier you will see an ‘enable stretch’ tick box and what your video shows looks a lot like that to me.
You seem to be getting warnings from “Get Children”, “Get Control Float” and “Divide” (1:07 of the video). Are you getting the same warnings on the other side of the rig’s arm setup?
Could it be that a variable is not set to the proper type that it is generating warning?
The lower arm almost looks like its being non uniformly scaled while rotating (hence the shearing of the verts on the lower arm segment)
Look what I found…
You won’t find it in 4.26 (at least I couldn’t) but it is certainly there in 5.1
That would be on the fingers which currently work ok, the errors as you said because the variable is not set properly in that it is too close to zero? not sure why that matters tbh It does look like its doing some weird scaling and rotating thing, would you be able to tell me how to print to screen my arrays? if you know. Normal print string isnt an option in control rig I guess.
unfortunately it still acts the same. This is perplexing as even down to the hands everything is done via arrays. So im doing both sides at once. which could cause problems, id say if every other bone didnt work fine every one but that one.
howdy yall, I moved my ik to the point after I set my bone transforms and it followed now the hand(fingers and palm) dont track on the hand control correctly but im closer Thank you both very much
I actually am using this setting now thank you. were closer the hands on both sides are off the control postition by a bit so thank u again.