Control Rig Pose mirror issues

I’m making a walk cycle animation for my character with a standard mannequin control rig. But I’m running into some strange issues with mirroring poses. I created a ‘control rig pose’ asset of a pose I like, but when I try to paste it mirrored, the transforms of the rig controls get all messed up. I tried picking different ‘Mirror Axis’ and ‘Axis to Flip’ options, but nothing seems to help. Is there something I’m missing here?

After spending way too long on this, I’m pretty sure this is a bug in Unreal. I managed to code an ugly workaround by making an editor script that mirrors the pose asset manually.

I’m having the same problem. Although I notice that pasting a mirrored pose with the poses tool works as expected when using the CR_Mannequin_Body control rig that comes with 3rd Person Template. But I can’t figure out how to set up my own control rig so that pasting a mirrored pose works correctly. Can anyone help? I would love to know what I’m doing wrong!

Hi @WhaleFood – if you could share that script I would be very grateful! Thank you!

PoseMirrorer.T3D (1.2 MB)

Hey @Opebble. Sure, happy to share the file here. Not sure if it will work for your situation as I made it specifically for the skeleton I was working with. But give it a shot. It allows you to right-click a pose file and under “Scripted Asset Actions” there’s a “mirror pose” option that will create a new file that should be a mirror of the one you’re selecting.

Awesome–I’ll try it out! Thank you so much @WhaleFood !!!

I have encountered the same problem, and now I know the reason. In the official control rig, the leg uses a null node as the parent node. The key is that the scale value of the null node in its mirror has an x value of -1, which makes the mirror action effective.

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I’ve tried using a Null node that contains my IK and Pole vector controls and scale the x of the Null node with -1, but unfortunately that doesn’t seem to make mirroring effective in my case. Is there anything else to it?

Check the ik and pole nodes under your null node, as they are under the null node, their x scale values need to be 1

Everything seems in order, yet I can’t get it to work properly. I will try creating a simple test case and see if I can work it out. Thanks for the suggestions!

I’m also experiencing the same issue. I wanted to ask, has there been any solution for this problem?

I’m having the exact same issue - mirroring simply does not work - it either flips things totally upside down (unhelpful) or twists things up. I suspect that the issue with nulls is at play, but I haven’t confirmed.
I’m working in 5.4.2, using a model rigged following the instruction video from Evans Bohl, so all the technique should be pretty standard.

Same issue here. My guess is that it could have something to do with there being “0 string matches” for custom rigs. Mine uses the same naming convention as the mannequin, but the mirroring tool seems not to recognize it