Hi All
I’ve followed along for some of the official UE5 chaos guide, and have a car moving around with nice animated wheels:
Control-Rig seems like the best way to drive a steering wheel animation, based on the Z rotation of the front wheels. I’ve got my steering wheel bone set up like so:
In my control rig, I have a parent constrant, that takes the Z rotation from one of the front wheels:
When the car is stationary, this works ok - but the rotation angle needs to be multiplied, and when the car moves, the wheel rocks back and forth. I think this must be happening because the steering wheel is taking the relative Z rotation, not the world rotation (hence every time the car wheel rotates 180 degrees, the steering angle is reversed).
Has anyone solved this in a similar way? I also tried referencing the control rig in my Car BP, and feeding in the input steering angle as a float, but I can’t seem to just drive Z rotation of a specific bone in control rig.
Any help would be amazing!