Control Rig for Metahuman is not manipulating MH mesh?

As I was animating my Metahuman Control Rig in sequencer, the rig suddenly ‘disconnected’ from the mesh and now the mesh is not moving at all (including other shots that I previously animated). It looks like my animation curves are preserved, but how do I ‘reattach’ the mesh?? Deleting the MH blueprint and bringing in another into the level doesn’t seem to work - the control’s move independently of the mesh. I also tried deleting my Metahuman from my project entirely and re-migrating it into the main project, no dice. Making a blank level and and level sequence, then readding my MH does not seem to make the Control Rig work. I don’t think I pressed any buttons or created anything, it simply stopped working when I was animating inside the Control Rig/Sequencer and graph editor. I did have an animation constraint on an IK hand. Could this have broken my project entirely?