Control Rig doesn't works

Hi guys! I’m having strange issues with control rigs. I exported my char with its armature from Blender ( I scaled them by 100 before and set the units 0.01 to be in cm for UE). Here nothing strange, Sizes are correct and each element is been created. I create a control rig from my skeletal, in the cntrl rig editor, when I choose a bone to add a new cntrl on it, after connecting the nodes in the graph
(Forwards solve, Set Transform bone and Get Transform Bone) if I rotate the cntrl , for example , the bone is not rotating the mesh. And also the cntrl spawns like a giant ball. Neither replicating an existing control rig with my new skeletal is working. What Am I missing? Can someone help me? Thank yall!

The fact that when you create a ctrl you see a giant sphere is most likely due to the scaling issue, since the default ctrl visualization is a sphere the size of a hand.
However you should be able to at least perform basic operations, like translation and rotation, so I think there must be something in your setup that isn’t done right.
Post a screenshot of the logic and also where the ctrl has been created ( if within the skeletal hierarchy or outside ).

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In this screen I created a new control on the head bone and that’s. The second one is the logic I used to try rotating it as shown in the UE doc. The hierarchy is inside because i used the armature done in Blender. I exported Skeletal, Skeleton and physics asset from there. I just noticed the rig scale is not applied and still results 100. Maybe I inverted some step in Blender.

I created the control rig from the same skeletal mesh imported. I just noticed in Blender that rig scale is not applied. And is strange because I cleaned the relationships and with the root selected in pose mode I reset the pose and it should have also reset the scale.

@Enter_Reality Do you think will be fine fixing the rig scale?

From the picture it looks like that you’re trying to rotate the control you just created by using the control itself.
The Set Transform item should be set to be the head joint, otherwise you’re just rotating the control.
Regarding the giant sphere, most likely Control Rig doesn’t take into account the skeleton scaling you did during the import, so it just gets the non-scaled version, so your character is actually very tiny.
I suggest you to rescale the model in Blender, eventually freeze the joints transform or set bind pose ( or whatever the Blend equivalent is ) and then import the skeletal mesh.

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So I’m missing some nodes? Because I was folling step by step the UE doc.

@Enter_Reality Ok, Finally the rig scale is fixed and the cntrl spawns with these dimensions. Looks normal? How can I set the “trasform item” to be the head joint? If these nodes are not enough? Thank you so much mate!

Expand the “Item” in the Set transform node, then set the Type to Bone and Name to Head ( or whatever you head joint name is )

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@Enter_Reality I got an error about the bone’s name. It’s strange.

Sorry, My fault. The warning was because the item chosen was the control and not the bone. Fixed. But i can’t still move it.

Can’t really tell why, the same setup works as expected on my end.
Try to remove the Set Transform node you currently have, then grab the head joint from the skeletal hierarchy and drop it into the graph and choose Set Bone, it will automatically set the Item and Name to be the head joint, connect it to Forward Solve, then connect the transforms from the control to the Set Transform and see if it works.

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It doesn’t works for me. I’m thinking the problem was in Blender, because I applied two different armature modifier accidentally. The first armature and the rig generated from it.


I did everything from 0 again, only 1 rig modifier, scaled and transf applied, fbx, but same problem. When i set “get cntrl” and “set bone”, (linked) , after compiling I still can’t use the control to move the bone.


Morning mate. Finally the bone responds to its control. But this time, the rotation seems blocked like a constraint.

No idea honestly

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That’s the situation now.
It works but only from details panel.

Unparent ( ShiftP ) the ctrl from the hierarchy, then on forward solve set only the ctrl position, using the head joint name as the input ( so that the ctrl will have the same location as the head joint ), then connect the logic you currently have for the head rotation.
This should solve the issue with the viewport rotation.

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I’ve just cleaned the parent with shiftP.Nothing else. It’s working! Finally now the cntrl is doing its job properly and the bone is moving without flickering!But I’m still curious to understand why the parent was the problem. Can you explain this?


If the ctrl is attached to the head joint and you use that ctrl to rotate the head joint, it’ll create a kind of rotation loop, where you’re rotating using a control that is rotating the joint where the ctrl is attach to, inheriting the rotation from the joint.

Usually when you rig, you want to have ctrls indipendent from the hierarchy.

Check the many CtrlRigs in Lyra or any other UE5 sample project, you’ll see that the ctrls are outside the skeletal hierarchy.

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