Control Rig Bug? Feet move incorrectly during montage.

I’ve run into this issue and have now replicated it easily in a fresh project. I dont know if this is some kind of bug or I am doing something wrong but all the tutorials I’ve seen don’t address this or have this issue.

What is happening is that I am using the Third Person game template for a project. I have created an animation using the default control rig. Turned that anim into a montage. Then when I play that new montage on the default character, the feet get messed up. This happens exactly the same in both projects I have tested it in.

The above video briefly shows at the start that I am using Play Montage to simply play my montages, which play on the default slot. Here I am playing a single attack montage I brought over from my main project and everything works as expected. Note the feet adjust to the floor during the montage but still maintaining the wide stance from the animation.

Here is the quick anim I have made using the control rig and one of the default idle animations as a starting point. Using this I baked it to an anim then created a montage from that anim. It all works when previewing the montage.

Now here is that montage I made played on the same character as the first montage. You can see the feet slide incorrectly to seemingly match the default A pose during the montage and the knees twisting to align with the feet. Even when on the incline the feet don’t follow the original montage but still adapt to the floor height.

Why does this happen? How can I fix this? Why do the feet get messed up only with montages made with the control rig in editor but not with other montages?

Hi, I actually have the same issue as you. I’ve created a new idle stance that was built off the third person starter package and it is twisting the leg (as you can see the in the picture) when I override the default idle in a duplicated ABP - this doesn’t occur in the animation. I’m looking around for a solution so I’ll let you know what I find.

edit: Mannequin Feet Not Moving During Custom Animations - #2 by L.F.A

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It’s strange that as I look for a solution I just see how others have this problem as well.

That thread is helpful but I don’t like that the solution so far is to just disable IK, especially in our cases with ground based animations. Not much of a solution to just get rid of it.

Reading down to the bottom of the thread however did lead me to find that the IK bones are in fact not animating for some reason despite me adding keys in the control rig before baking.

So I don’t know why its not applying the animation to the ik bones but this seems to be the problem.

I’ve found a temporary fix from a reddit thread. Just add these nodes in the CR_Mannequin_BasicFootIK

This is definitely a temporary fix however as it seems to force the ik bones into position, regardless of the animation. I lack the knowledge though to find a proper fix but it seems that possibly the IK bones on the full body control rig don’t map properly to the default skeleton ik bones resulting in animations made or adjusted with the control rig lack IK movement.

To me it seemed all the right bone names were there in the control rig for at least the “Forward Legs / Feet” section but I could easily be wrong.