Hi Keenan,
I am learning CR myself at the moment. I noticed “twist bones” on the stock skelly I’m using, there are twist bones for upperarm, lowerarm, hips and calves, without them my mesh deforms. Have a look at the “ControlRigMannequin” example you can download from Epic, and from the looks of the layout you have, you already have the file downloded.
I am struggling with an Unreal Control Rig IK problem that I am completely stumped on. Basically, the arm seems to get somewhat twisted when I connect the Basic IK node. It then seems to get COMPLETELY twisted when I connect the Pole Vector.
This is the IK node connected without the Pole Vector connected.
This is with the Pole Vector connected.
You presume correctly! I did use the Mannequin demo as a guide. I didn’t see the twist bones connected in the Control Rig though…? Like, I didn’t see any nodes connected to the twists. So i didn’t understand how/why they are used. Maybe I missed something. I’ll look again. Thanks!
I think I finally figured out what was causing my problems:
The Primary & Secondary Joint Orients from Maya did not match the Primary & Secondary Axis pins in the Basic IK node. So that led to weird twisting of the joints in Unreal.
As you can see, the problem seems to be resolved. I just wish I had more documentation on what, exactly these pins are doing. I originally figured they were a percentage, but you can put in values that are higher than 1.0.
Either way! It looks like the problem is solved.