I have run into an issue while creating a control rig for my character in regards to the backward solve.
When I bake an animation to my control rig, everything works perfectly except for a specific group of controls that seem to reset to their default values after baking. The strange thing is though, that when I preview the backwards solve in the control rig editor it doesn’t have this problem. In the preview it works perfectly but once the animation has been baked to the rig It isn’t the same.
The only thing that is different about the controls in question compared to the others that work fine is that they are parented directly to the bones that they control so that they move with the bones, while the rest of my controls are parented to the other controllers starting from the “root controller” etc.
I feel like I must be missing something either super obvious and simple or its a bug. Why would it be perfect in the backward solve preview but have a completely different behavior when that exact animation is baked to the rig?
I have found a workaround though for anyone else that discovers the same issue.
When I place an animation in my scene, add it to a track and bake it to the control rig, for some reason the skeleton resets its transforms but only for my controls that are parented to the bones themselves.
BUT when I go to the “animation” tab underneath the skeletons “Track” in the sequencer and add the exact same animation via the plus icon on the right, the animation and control rig load correctly with all the controllers and bone transforms in the correct positions.
Its kind of annoying but you just have to select the animation you want to use from the little addition icon in the sequencer tracks animation tab. Dragging and dropping the animation into the scene and baking the rig to it only seems to work properly for controls not parented directly to bones.