Control Rig Aim Not Working

Hey, does anyone know how to fix this issue with my aim in Control Rig? I’m setting the R_HandAimTarget variable in the Combat Component from the function in the weapon BP, which is in global space (the red line and sphere debug draws show the Aim At Target location), and then in the Anim BP I’m using the R_HandAimTarget that’s just been set to set the variable in the control rig. If I just use the control and drag it around in the Control Rig editor the aim node is aiming the hand fine, but when I set it from the R_HandAimTarget it seems to be adding the global location to the local location, even though in the control rig it should be setting the target control from the variable in Global Space (I’ve tried messing with global and local spaces already)

Not sure if I’m explaining it well so here’s a video showing it better Control Rig Aim Broken - YouTube

Have you find any solutions to this problem?. I have the same problem

So there is still no solutions to this? I have same problem

@GeorgeTheDev_1 @amir_hm Sorry for the late reply, turns out Global Space in Control Rig doesn’t mean world space, it means relative to the rig, so if you were to set a control to use 0,0,200 as its Global Space location, the control would be 200 units above the origin of the rig wherever the rig is in the world, not 200 units above the worlds origin

To fix it just get either the transform or location and use the From World node to turn it from a global (world) to a global (rig) value

To World obviously also does the opposite, converting the transform in rig space to a transform in world space