Control Point for Networked Game

Am looking for some direction for this blueprint I am looking to do.

I am working on a control point system for a 3rd person networked game. What I am trying to achieve is when the player will enter into the control point I will have on overlap of control point a timer will begin. This will take 10 seconds for the player to “Control” the point and it will change the color of the control point once they have completed the timer.

If another player of an opposite team enters the point i want the timer to stop. How would I be sure this is done correctly with replication? What would be the best way to go about this?


I’m assuming you assign teams when the game starts? Say your character contains a value which determines what team they are on, when the game starts you want to create a custom event that is replicated on the server, and that event will assign the team. This is to make sure the client can’t cheat and switch teams at any time. You also want the team variable to be replicated. So when a player enters the control point have the server check the players team value (Which is replicated) then have the server start the timer. Same thing when the opposite team enters, just have the server pause or clear the timer.

I am pretty new to UE4, but from what I have seen so far perahps when the control point is triggered, let it have two variables, one for Team_x_In one for Team_Y_In (or whatever), so when the point is activated the blueprint checks what team they are in, and sets the approprate var, if only one of those var’s is true then the timer can run… just my guess from my limited understanding so far.

@arbopa: That is pretty much exactly how I would handle it. I would allocate a team attribute to the player and then set that attribute on player spawn … and off you go. Your flag will then probably be a Blueprint with the meshes and triggers that you need and you can fire your logic off from there.

@Winfree @arbopa @qdelpeche thank you guys I will try this and see what I can come up with.