Control of the camera in game

Hello, I explain to you, I would like to be able to control the camera fps in game under UE5.2. Example If you are crouching behind a desk you click on a key and then can raise or tilt the camera. Alien isolation uses this technique very well. But no idea how to do that. Can you guide me? Thank you in advance.

Hello there !

It’s french section of this forum ^^'.

But for your technique you want, is something like that in SCUM.
The best way i think is to create a BlendSpace 1D from standing to crouch, add it to Character Animation blueprint.
Add variable like float, 0.0 for crouched and 1.0 for standing, modify your crouch function to update that variable to 0.0 when you crouch, and update to 1.0 when you stand up.
And in your Character Animation Blueprint, use that value to update animation.
And now, you can add another key binding like you want to add 0.1 to you variable, and another key to subtract 0.1.
Hum, I’ll try to do something like this.

Bonjour :slight_smile:
Ha ok désolé je pensais être sur l’international. Alors j’ai pas tout compris car j’ai commencé Unreal il y a 2 mois.
Pour la variable ok par contre la partie animation je maitrise pas bien.