Control audio playback speed (on runtime)

Hi everyone,

I have a question about audio in UE4.
I try to make a 2D side scroller where the playback speed of the music is controlled by the movement of the player character.
And I found out that the pitch controls in audio nodes in UE4 aren’t actually a pitch but more like a way to control the playback speed of the audio (as the most of you probably know: if you slow down audio sounds will get lower and if you speed up audio sounds will get higher)
So that would be perfect for my project.
But the problem is that if the value’s of the pitch go below 0 (into the minus), it will not reverse the audio.
and that for me is actually a problem.
Because I really need it to reverse the music if the character walks to the left and to play normal when the character goes right. (This is because it give a lot of really cool possibilities with musical accents and what’s happening in the level at those accents (this is heavily inspired by the music levels from “Rayman legends”(with as major difference that I want the player to be still in control of the speed that they play and reward them for playing fast by hearing the song ad normaal speed :)))

So do you guys maybe know other ways to control de playback speed of the music? (that can be updated while running)

Already thx for reading and thinking! :wink:

PS: I’m using version 4.22 at the moment, but right now I’m still in a phase where only just test systems, so switching to a different version will be no problem for me! :wink:

My current system:

I found a solution!!! ;D
The system has got a lot more complicated.
I did render a seperated audio file where the music is already reversed and I use the world location to determine from where the reversed track should be played when turning around. (and same story when turning around to move forward again)

Thx everyone for thinking and reading! :slight_smile:
And if some having the same problem and reading this and need some more explanation about this system, just ask here! :wink: