Hi everybody, this is my firs question, i’m pretty new in unreal blueprint, so sorry if its stupid.
i want to create a wiget (menu screen) and i want to have a video playing on the background. (already achieved) now i want to add 5 buttons (already done) and i want these buttons to send the video on the background to go to a specific frame and stop. So, it will be something like this, the screen open and the movie in the background play till second 5 and stop, then when i click on the buttons i can send the video to 15s, 30s etc, but it goes using interpolation ease ease. ex, if iam in 30seconds, but i press the button 5s, it goes interpolating to that position. is that possible? i searched a lot and also tried to use chatgpt or bard to help me, but i’m getting nowhere. Thanks alot. (ps. it needs to be using bluepint)