Page request returns:
You have requested an invalid special page.
A list of valid special pages can be found at Special pages.
Return to Page.
Page request returns:
You have requested an invalid special page.
A list of valid special pages can be found at Special pages.
Return to Page.
I work on the wiki, so let me see what I can do. Can you tell me if you can see other user’s contribution pages? Can you try logging out and back in? I am able to see the page linked without error, so we will need to do some testing. Until this can be resolved, you could tell me if there was anything you needed done on that page that I could help with?
Thank you for your report!
Thank you for that information. Unfortunately, I am unable to get the error page there as well. I forgot to ask, but what browser are you using? Does this occur on all browsers? This would help me narrow my testing down.
Other Users Contribution pages are failing. A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums
I have logged out and back in.
I was just looking to see if it worked. =) It would be useful later, in instances where a page was authored and I want to see more of the pages authored by a given author.
I also was wanting this sort of feature to be enabled,
thanks for bringing it up
And thank you for the Wiki!
you saying that you are also unable to see the contributions page? This is a permissions issue then. I’ll get this fixed as soon as I can, I just need to speak with the web team about flipping switches.
Thanks for the report!
All tested, all are failing to load the following pages:
yea I see nothing on contributions page, ever
It says this
You have requested an invalid special page.
A list of valid special pages can be found at Special pages.
Thank !
Thank you. This confirms it for me, it’s a permission problem. I will have a chat with our web guys and get this fixed asap.
Thanks for your help and patience!