[CONTRACT] [PAID] Core Main Menu & Multiplayer Setup For Steam (Top Down Game)

Looking for a talented individual who can help set up a fully working main menu, along with a fully working multiplayer system to go along with it for a top-down game.

We’re a small team of only (2) people, and looking to shave some time off our next project by hiring out some of our tasks.

Job Details:

  • Completely working main menu, with options, graphics settings, sound settings, etc.
  • Looking for a diablo style (Top Down) character name/selection menu with a localized (host saved) game setup. E.g. New game>Character selection, lobby where friends can join, start game/continue game.
  • Fully implemented steam multiplayer. Friends can join at any time, as well as a lobby.
  • Server browser is not necessary.
  • Would prefer all of the menu systems to be a finalized game ready version. However, we are willing to accept a generic “block out functioning” style. E.g. Simple buttons and text.

Job has been filled.