[Contract] Looking for a UE5 teacher!

Hi! I’m looking for an Unreal Engine teacher that can teach me how to make a fluid combat/animation using premade assets such as Synty Assets in Unreal Engine. I am trying to learn how it works from the ground up and have done a lot of my own research already as well as playing around in the engine.

If this seems like something in your wheelhouse and you are wanting to make a little money as well as teach a new Unreal Engine dev please get in touch with me!

I would like to learn using the blueprint system exclusively no C++

Hi there, been an Unreal developer for about a decade. I used to have a youtube tutorial channel called Vice Versa Studios that made tutorials on unreals animation system for a combat based game. I also used to teach classes on Unreal, Unity, and Gamemaker. If youd like you can hire me on upwork. https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/vic3vers4studios

Hey, if that is still relevant.
I used to teach unreal online and used to operate an IT school.
Discord: mrbadim
TG: mrbadim Telegram: Contact @mrbadim
LI: badim https://www.linkedin.com/in/badim

Hey there, if this is still relevant, a german IT guy here.

Atm i am doing my project with ALSV4 community replicated (a good locomotion system) and am doing my own replicated diractional combat system.

So I think i could help you out.^^