Continue line trace past end point.

Hey everyone,
I am trying to make a Battle Royale type zone system. When my character is outside of the sphere/zone, it should cast a line trace from the center of the circle, to the character. I have this setup no problem.

But I also want the line trace to continue on past the character (say 2000) and spawn an enemy. The idea here being that when the player is outside of the zone, it spawns enemies near to the player , but not in the zone.

If I use the add or multiply nodes, I can only set it to a certain axis. How would I make it so the line trace always continues past my character?

I am also open to other ideas to accomplish my goal.

Thanks in advance!

You can just try and get the location behind the character without the trace:
(Normalize(CharacterLocation - ZoneLocation) * Distance) + CharacterLocation