[Contest] Unreal Engine Game Jam T-Shirt Design Contest!

Three jams for one shirt!


Three shirt concepts. Works fine on any dark color shirt, but I feel like more “retro” dark grey is better on them.

Link to highres logos: https://dl.dropboxusercontent/u/238567/UnrealJamShirts/UnrealJamShirts_highreslogos.psd

I want them all.
Can we have them all?


Here’s my submission; just found out today from the YouTube Twitch stream post. I felt that game jams was a rush and all about getting ideas flowing to creating something really quick, so I tried to portray that within the design.

Some things:
There’s the letters U-N-R-E-A-L within the design (besides the actual top left) if you look in abstract ways.
There’s an elephant and a mouse.
Profile of a guy.
A tree with apples (or oranges if you like those better).
Some pyramids, a goofy dragon, a rocket, some fire and water, a magic sword, a skull, raygun… and a cat, or you can call it an owl too if you like those better.

Of course it’s all very sketchy, but that’s the point: it’s a flow of ideas which is what a game jam is all about. Oh, and the crown means you are on the path of becoming the king/queen of game development by doing the jams. :slight_smile: I’ve made it a two color design, but it can easily be done in one color as well. All work is vector.

Added: Wanted to balance the design a bit
That first one is a bit off as far as balance since I was rushing to get the concept down. I put a bit more time in balancing the design so it’s centered better visually.


Looks great, I like all 3 of them! :slight_smile:

Too bad I missed this Contest. Was too occupied with other stuff, but next one for sure, hehe.

as much as I like some of these designs, the T-Shirt contest coincided with a game jam, inclement weather, as well as Epic & others getting ready for GDC.

no offense and usually wouldn’t even think of it, but think this event could use more exposure & more time. these shirts should be something special involving the community more.

I agree. 2 weeks isn’t a massive head notice (at least based on this thread, I don’t know when it was announced directly. I myself heard about it only a short time before through a live stream where they reminded people about it).

Nice design! I’d wear that everyday! hehe


quick low res sketch
feedback plz :wink:

// EDIT: ups look like i missed the deadline :frowning:

I know Epic likes to follow through on it’s events and promises and I know the expectations one has when participating in these events.

May I suggest a 2nd event for a second design so there is a choice of designs from the community for the game jam winners, just a thought.
(instead of a delay for submissions)


UE4 logo should be EMISSIVE

lol @ WindowsNoEditor

A blueman is exist!


this is what happens when you have free time on your hands! lol



hope the images show, for some reason I can’t see my own images or upload straight to forums anymore
(just for fun anyways)


We are done here.

I want a shirt for “WindowsNoEditor GOTY Edition”, no prize or anything, just a request.

Nothing says GOTY like a shirt on a shirt.

Edit: I spelled biscuits wrong. Thats why its GOTY and not Game of the Decade

The inside jokes are gettin’ thick, y’all

It’s perfect, thank you .

yeah, you missed your calling AwesomeAllar should have become Rembrandt instead :rolleyes:

although no one else in the world will possibly know what it means, we will
I think WindowsNoEditor looks good! :slight_smile: