[Contest] Unreal Engine Game Jam T-Shirt Design Contest!

Get Your Design on the Official Unreal Engine Game Jam T-Shirt
Hey! As you know, we’ve had great fun with each of our game jams over the past few months! We’re really excited to see all the buzzing activity around them each time we kick another one off. Regarding the t-shirt reward, our designer has been pulled into making other awesome things here at Epic, hence the delays in delivery… We’re wanting to catch up with our backlog of shirts due to you all (Sorry October!), and with that we’re putting the future of the design in the hands of the real talent: You!
The Rules are Simple
- Design the front print of the Unreal Engine game jam shirt and submit the image to this thread! The deadline for submissions is the end of the month of February, or Midnight Feb. 28th / Mar. 1st.

Post-GDC, we’ll announce our pick to be the official design for the #ue4jam](https://twitter/search?f=realtime&q=%23ue4jam&src=typd&lang=en) finalists and get to work, printing away! Thanks for your patience with us regarding the shirts, everyone. We can’t wait to see what you all come up with!

And Here’s the Winner :slight_smile: Congrats ****!



For or by game Jam winners Tshirt only ?

I couldn’t help but to post a concept with Jelly. Thanks to Rod for his creativity and for drawing this up :slight_smile:

Its a quick rough sketch, but you get the idea. A gamepad breaking a jar of jelly…


I have purple version too if this looks too much like blood :slight_smile:

Added the plaid =)

These are for the game jam winners t-shirts

Any rules regarding to the size of the picture? -> e.g a min. size :slight_smile:

I’d aim as high as you can regarding dpi / resolution. We may have the opportunity to upres here.


The stripes represent how modules are separated but still work together in UE4.

The squares represent what the stripes can come together to create.

The diagonal lines represent motion and speed, just like game jam development.



The truth yo.

…oh man…

This, a thousand times this.

What have we done?

I’ve added my cat, I hope it’s okaaay…


@Luos, @Bawwwcas, @Transmedia: Could you guys probably delete the reference/quote image from , because otherwise people have to scroll down very long till they are at the bottom of the page :wink:
@Devero: Pretty cool picture. Looking forward to see the final version! :smiley:

I’d pay money for 's plaid cat. Just needs a UE4 logo.

What color options do you have ? awesome!

Only because you asked :wink:

Also, no spoiler tags?

Thx for deleting :smiley:
Unfortunately there are no spoiler tags, but I think is working on them. Especially for such threads they would be very useful. :wink:

Yea, it really would!
Imagine all the plaid I could hide in there… unspoiled.

Here is my entry (quite no spoilers in) :stuck_out_tongue: :

Edit : modified : first one had mistake.