Hello community, i have this question since, the UE4 release day I suppose.
I need some clarification or recommendations on how to handle this:
Suppose I have a project and want to move, within my content folder some assets. I noticed that the following happens:
You can see that the folder structure does not correspond to what is shown in the Edtor. For example i move MovementAnimsetPro46 folder to a folder called “animations”.
And we see that in the Editor the folder doesnt exist while in windows explorer the folder is exist but is empty, also the new folder inside “animations” contains the moved animations
On the other hand it also happens when you move a folder, it can stay with some assets (especially materials), and the other assets are moved, as shown in the following image.
So the question is, in what way / recomended way can i handle this?,. I know if I move the assets as materials or delete the emptys folderd from Windows Explorer , i will lose some reference and end up with a mess project.
It is also important to mention that some folders simply can not be deleted from the editor, because they reappear when the editor is restarted.
All this is important, because any asset acquired from the marketspace will be imported by default in the folder created by the Seller. If you can not freely move assets within the project is impossible to have a neat folder content.
Thanks for the help