Content Examples BP Input Buttons - How it work?

In content Examples we have some buttons
If step on the button we run InputExamples like UFO flying
But when I open buttons BP its have nothing what can run example
How it work? Where is the script?

without actually looking at it or knowing the level your referring to I would guess that stepping on the button is calling a function in another blueprint. It could be in the level blueprint or just another actor.

Hey there, if i recall correctly, the buttons had a trigger area that when the player entered it would call Enable Input and when the player left it would call Disable Input. When the player was inside the trigger if you pressed the interact action the button would handle that because it was added into the input stack by using Enable Input.

I found how it work.

difficult to understand see button blueprint inside, but no any link to other bluerints.
But if you select button in world, then you can see linked blueprint in button params.

Sorry for bad question