I am breaking down the Content Examples project trying to learn what I can. I am interested in the Pixel Ship Game. Trying to recreate a Galaga style game using this as reference.
I am a little confused about some of the Variables used. Specifically the " Game Cabinet Yaw." First screenshot is where it is being set within the Spawn Animation section of the BP_Pixel_Ship_Player. The note states, " Get’s the player camera yaw to offset the ship’s rotation." I don’t understand what it is setting. A Float variable storing the Yaw rotation of the camera?
My second screenshot shows the Camera actor within the BP_Pixel_Ship_Game_Controller. Am I correct in assuming that this is the camera being referenced?
Also, In the first screenshot the Get Instigator node is something I don’t quite understand. Is the “instigator”, the player pawn when they activate the button and set the new camera view for the game?
*EDIT - Additionally
This screenshot shows where the Game Cabinet Yaw is referenced for the BP_Pixel_Ship_Player Movement. Is this Float Variable beings used as the default rotation orientation to return to when the ship mesh isn’t rotating based on the input and speed?