Content drawer half empty

Hello, I’m fairly new to EUFN and I’m having a small issue.

I’m in the process of creating a map and had purchased an asset pack from FAB directly in the editor (Anime city suburbs), which I added as a referenced resource, as recommended.

I was able to build and do what I wanted.
The next day, I relaunched EUFN to continue and now my asset folder in the content drawer is gone!
I restart EUFN and this time I have my folder, but I only have some assets, not all (from my purchased pack), and the same goes for the default Fortnite assets (galleries and other standard building elements) it all disapeared.
Actually half of my folders are empty or missing in the content drawer.

i tried many solutions i saw, but nothing works.

I have no filters activated or anything.
I’m not quite sure what I did to have this problem, does anyone know a solution?

Thank you for your help