Looking at the above image, since updating to 4.12.4, the last edited Blueprint (in this case, TILE_DOOR) has started merging its thumbnail into others in the content browser. Is there a way to fix this glitch, or is it an issue with the engine itself?
None of the actual Blueprints are affected, and everything functions as normal. It is literally just the asset thumbnail.
I had the same problem. I was using different game modes in world settings for different levels. So when I closed the editor, it remembered the last level but not the game mode. The fix for me was setting the editor startup map and game default map to the level that I am working on. The settings are located in Project Settings under Maps and Modes. Hope this helps.
Thanks, I will provide my project to Epic if requested, although it is quite large. I am trying to reproduce it on other projects, and am also trying to find a way to consistently produce it on my project, as it seems to be random at the moment.
After doing a bit of digging I was able to find that this is a known issue (UE-32911) and that it has been submitted to the developers for further consideration. I will provide updates with any pertinent information as it becomes available. Thank you for your time and information.
I’m not sure why they get duplicated like that? Opening up the textures with incorrect thumbnails individually does fix the issue… at least until the engine is restarted. I’ve ended up deciding to forgo Virtual Textures for this particular project for the time being, because the duplication essentially makes what I was working on impossible (lining up the texture references properly in data tables).
Posting here since I found this thread while researching this problem, but I will open a new bug report too.
edit: I should note also that I’m currently on UE version 5.3.