I made a project in 4.8, everything is good, map loads and all fine.
But when turning it to my client who uses 4.7.6 he can’t load the map neither he sees anything in the content browser. I checked with another PC, with 4.8 it works ok and with 4.7 nothing shows up in content browser.
I have spent my mana already,
Any clue is appreciated, thanks.
UE4 is able to upgrade projects to a new version, but not downgrade projects from a newer version to a previous one. This is simply because of the changes that are integrated into the new build not being compatible with the old version. With each new release, tons of new content, code changes and fixes are added, so trying to revert that would be a whole new can of worms to deal with. Right now, it is just not feasible to allow projects or assets to revert, so it is not supported.
EDIT: Analogy; You cannot use a PS4 game disc in a PS3. You have to remake it for compatibility.
It could make more sense to me if it was said that we can’t port projects/maps from a newer version to older version and expect them to work. Textures and materials were out of my consideration. At least with other engines we can still move them from newer versions to older versions. But if it means you are making so much improvement on asset compression and all with new updates so we can’t use the newly saved assets in older versions, that’s pretty good to hear.
Probably you can release a tool to downgrade files/projects to certain version, or at least provide info detailing the changes from version X to version Y - so someone can implement their own script to do just that??