Contains Array bug

Contains with a specific actor class array and hit actor works but when you restart the editor you get this error and you have to replace the contains node every time. This is the error: Planet Test Reference is not compatible with Actor reference and vice versa.

You try to plug an “Actor” type reference to a “PlanetTest” type array. of course this does not work. However, you can cast to PlanetTest and then plug the reference into the array. Or make the array an “Actor” type array.

It does work! But it stops working as soon as you restart the engine. Like it converts the Contains node type from Actor to Planettest on start of the engine.


This is working as intended. When working with a contain node for arrays you can only use one variable type. There is a bug that is allowing two different type of variables to connect to the same contain node which I have logged here:

Please be aware that this issue may not be prioritized or fixed soon.