Hi, ok here goes.
I have a problem using blueprints in matinee.
Im trying to make an installation instruction and its pretty full of content and there are some things that i wouldnt want to keyframe all the time, since we have so many tools and options in UE4.
Lets take for example a Leveling tool. I wanted to make a leveling tool… sounds simple eh?
Okay so i made a leveling tool and made a Class blueprint out of it and used texture parameter to move the bubble and everything works like a dream in viewport.
Problem starts when i tilt it in matinee with Keys the bubble seems to forget that i was supposed to be moving. Its not dynamic in Matinee
So overall
- Tilting in viewport - Bubble moves ok
- Tilting with keys in Matinee - The level tool moves, bubble
does not move (stays wherever i left
it in the viewport) - Playing level - The level tool moves,
but not the Bubble - that stubborn
Am i missing something here?
It just feels stupid to move the bubble with keys, when it could just be linked with rotation and be active in matinee.