Construction Script only uses default values

I have created a component in C ++. It works great. But if I call the functions in the Construction Script (In Editor), the current UPROPERTY values are ignored (from the Detail Panel) and the UPROPERTY values are from the C ++ constructor, i.e. default values.
UPROPERTY work correctly in Begin Play and have values from Detail Panel. But in Construction Script only values from the C ++ constructor.
Standard UPROPERTY, for example

UPROPERTY (EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "SelectionToolComponent")
float DebugPointsSize;

Why is this happening ?

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Same issue, in my case I’m moving an Actor Child Component, therefore changing its Transform Location, but the Construction Script keeps using the original Location from the Blueprint definition.

I found this other thread: Construction Script doesn't get properties that are overridden on a map instance of object which confirms the issue. The only workaround they found was to add a custom property (Blueprint Editable Variable) and work from there. Unfortunately it doesn’t replace the convenience of visually dragging an anchor…

EDIT: wait, your property is custom too so I’m not sure why it’s not working… I haven’t tried it in C++ though.