Construction Script only reports Positive Scale

Trying to use Scale (relative, absolute, of component or of actor) in the Construction Script only reports POSITIVE values.

I’m trying to understand is this is expected behavior (I’m using flipped components and trying to detect if they’re flipped or not).

Event Begin Play, reports the correct (negative or positive) values, but in the Construction Script this seems to be ignored, and I only see absolute values.

Any ideas?

Hey @Warner_V!

Do you think you could be a little more descriptive about what it is you’re trying to do? I’m kind of confused why you would want to use negative scale values, as 0 is a nonexistence when it comes to scale…

Also would you mind showing pictures of your code along with some examples of what is happening versus what it’s supposed to look like?

Thanks! We’re looking forward to your reply! :slight_smile:

To mirror-flip a mesh cheaply and oh so conveniently. I use this often and it works pretty well. But there is quite a bit happening when CS deals with components. I, too, struggled at some point which lead me to this Won't Fix:

Afair, to work around it, I made an editor callable event that took over the part CS could not handle.


CS is great until it is not.

Any ideas?

Hope I got the intent right!

Hey there!

I’m using BP to open/close doors. In some situations the door has to be flipped (which I’m going by setting x or y scale to -1). If that’s the case, the door rotates differently.

All is working just fine, in-game, with various events and interfaces steering the behavior, and a variable that determines how far the door should rotate to be be open.

However, now I’m trying to add an ‘start in open position’ function in the constructor stript and it turns out the door is rotating the wrong way when the door component is flipped. I’m trying to solve this by detecting whether or not the door is flipped and compensating for it.

What I’m seeing is that the output of the ‘Get Relative Scale’ node is not containing any negative values in the construction script and is therefore not useful for my purpose.

The question I have is if this is to be expected and what might be a way to work around it (apart from creating and maintaining more variables in the BP… which would mean going through all my doors in all levels to set the correct state)

Thanks for your support!

Hope I got the intent right!

Yes you did! And thank you for the link to the Bug Tracker.

I’ll play around with the Editor Event, see if I manage to solve it with that.

Thanks a lot :slight_smile: