Hey all,
Quick question regarding the string containers in Unreal’s C++ - can you construct a valid constexpr
for FString
(or TStringView<>
, or FName
etc.). As far as I can tell this is possible in the modern C++ standard library (godbolt link) but when trying something similar for FString
, the compiler spits this output out:
constexpr FString G_AUTOSAVE_SLOT_NAME = "Autosave";
// Example usage:
UGameplayStatics::AsyncSaveGameToSlot(SaveGameData, G_AUTOSAVE_SLOT_NAME, G_AUTOSAVE_USER_INDEX, SaveGameDelegate);
[omitted]\JJEDefinitions.h(5): error C2131: expression did not evaluate to a constant
[omitted]\JJEDefinitions.h(5): note: failure was caused by call of undefined function or one not declared 'constexpr'
[omitted]\JJEDefinitions.h(5): note: see usage of 'FString::FString'
[omitted]\JJEDefinitions.h(5): note: the call stack of the evaluation (the oldest call first) is
[omitted]\JJEDefinitions.h(5): note: while evaluating function 'FString::FString(const ANSICHAR *)'