Constant On/Off Speed, NO Acceleration

I’ve been looking through various answers to this and I think I’m getting stymied by the terminology somehow.

In every RPG I have ever played – in the era I love most, SNES – movement has always been a constant. There is no slow acceleration to get up to speed, it’s only two states, moving or not moving, and if you’re pressing the D-pad then you’re moving and if you’re not pressing the D-pad then you’re at a full stop. (Well, with the exception that a lot of them are grid-based, but since I’m currently mimicking Earthbound that isn’t a concern.)

How do I achieve this with Unreal?

I’ve got my Paper2d setup (still trying to figure out how to make it move up and down, but at present I’ve got the guy walking left and right and stopping if you let go of the keys. Not sure it’s a full stop immediately, might be just deceleration that’s so quick I can’t tell the difference, but at least he’s not sliding along on ice like he used to be. And the animations are working correctly based on direction, at least when I’m moving (it still pops back to right-facing idle when I’m not pressing buttons, but that’s the least of my problems).

But when I press the left or right buttons, he slowly, very slowly, moves up toward maximum speed.

Not only that, but some of the “answers” I’ve run across have talked about setting a minimum walking speed, and I can’t even see how to do that! Lots of maxes, NO mins anywhere.

Please help me figure out how to do this! The “change numbers and see what they do” approach has been amusing a few times, but after an hour it’s really wearing thin.

If your character is using the Character Movement Component there is a variable on said component dealing with movement acceleration. I don’t have the engine in front of me, so I cannot give you the exact name; but it is in there. There is a tooltip for that variable that explains how to set it to get instantaneous acceleration.

I appreciate the direction and I will look through there again, but there’s a lot of variables, many with names that reference concepts I’m not familiar with, and I’m not entirely sure what I’m looking for.

And the tooltips? I know, reasonably, that the bad ones can’t be anything like the 40% my brain is throwing at me, but I have repeatedly found a component labeled in jargon, looked at the tooltip to explain the jargon, and received a variant of this chirpy reply:

You want to know what XYZ does? It does XYZ! Consider yourself well informed on the capabilities of this XYZ-controlling variable or function!

I feel like making an analogy as to how the tooltip writer’s style would work in other settings, but let’s just start with some examples:

Program: Use RVO Avoidance?
Me: Hmm, that sounds interesting. What does it mean?
Tooltip: If set, component will use RVO avoidance.
Me: Why thank you, that clears everything up.

Program: HUD Class
Tooltip: HUD class this game uses.
Me: Well, I’m glad I actually know what HUD means, because you’re not actually explaining it.

Program: Force Feedback Enabled
Me: Does that mean like the vibration in a game controller, or something else?
Tooltip: Force Feedback Enabled

It’s my understanding that this program was meant for people who’ve been in the industry for a while and probably know all this jargon, but there cannot be any tooltip less deserving of the term than one that simply repeats the exact name of the item you were trying to get the tooltip to explain. Can you imagine trying to buy donuts with help like this?

Me: Hey, what’s a Bavarian Bismarck?
Donut Clerk: It’s a Bavarian Bismarck.
Me: Yes, that’s the name of it, but what’s it made out of? Is it just a flat donut with chocolate on top? Does it have nuts in it or something?
Donut Clerk: …it’s a Bavarian Bismarck. Would you like to buy one?
Me: I can’t buy one until I know what’s in it. Then I’ll know if it’s something I’m likely to want to buy, or something disgusting or something I’m allergic to. Is it a plain donut or like one of those stuffed ones?
Donut Clerk: It’s a Bavarian Bismarck.
Me: …Right. What’s a Bearclaw?
Donut Clerk: It’s a Bearclaw. Would you like to buy one?
Me: facepalm

…anyway, by this point, I’ve managed to reduce my moving-on-a-single-axis character to one that stands completely still (but animates perfectly based on which buttons I’m pressing). So the task for this week is trying to figure out what the components of these examples do, so as to get my character back to moving again, and then potentially to moving on a plane like it’s supposed to, and then if the speed is still broken I’ll come back to this thread again.

The past couple of weeks have been a roller coaster of elation and frustration. The frustration made just a bit worse when I try to look this problem up and find people having exactly the opposite problem (character moves at constant speed and they want it to accelerate over time), and I can’t figure out how to adapt their techniques to anything like what I’m doing. Sigh.

If you haven’t found it yet try looking at CharacterMovement (General Settings) then the arrow for more features then bottom one says Request Move Use Acceleration [uncheck it]


I’m also looking for Constant On/Off Speed for Vehicles. Any fruit so far? I just want to write a function like **Vehicle->SetForwardSpeed(float Speed /In Kmph/) **which keeps vehicle moving at that constant speed. I couldn’t find relation (math formula) between Speed with any of variables like Throttle, Engine RPM.