"Consolidate Asset" BP Action not consolidating Materials with Material Instances

Hey guys,

I have a whole bunch of materials that I want to replace with material instances. All is well until I get to the BP node of “Consolidate Assets”, which tells me:

The object ‘material’ doesn’t have the same class as the AssetToConsolidateTo.

Which is in theory correct, but something that the consolidate tool definitely supports. If I use “Replace References” from the right click menu with the same Material and Material Instance it does give a warning (once) but then does the consolidation without a hitch.
Doing the consolidation by hand through the right-click menu would be way too time consuming which is why I would much rather get the BP action to work.

Does anybody know how I would get the BP action consolidate to work with Materials and Material Instances?

I ended up changing the source code of that BP node. For my little project it was good enough to just comment out the code that was checking if the “Asset To Consolidate to” and “Assets to Consolidate” were of the same class. Normally you wouldn’t want to do this as this is an important check but as I am only going to use this self compiled unreal version for this one project it isn’t a problem.