Console line question

I have implemented re spawning based on this wiki entry: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums
And every time a player re spawns I see this in the log:

[2015.01.21-05.25.40:415][468]LogActorComponent: RegisterComponentWithWorld: (/Game/Maps/UEDPIE_1_MP_Arena.MP_Arena:PersistentLevel.ThePlayer_C_XX.StaticMeshComponent_YY) Already registered. Aborting.
[2015.01.21-05.25.40:415][468]LogActorComponent: RegisterComponentWithWorld: (/Game/Maps/UEDPIE_1_MP_Arena.MP_Arena:PersistentLevel.ThePlayer_C_XX.DrawFrustumComponent_YY) Already registered. Aborting.
[2015.01.21-05.25.40:415][468]LogActorComponent: RegisterComponentWithWorld: (/Game/Maps/UEDPIE_2_MP_Arena.MP_Arena:PersistentLevel.ThePlayer_C_XX.StaticMeshComponent_YY) Already registered. Aborting.
[2015.01.21-05.25.40:415][468]LogActorComponent: RegisterComponentWithWorld: (/Game/Maps/UEDPIE_2_MP_Arena.MP_Arena:PersistentLevel.ThePlayer_C_XX.DrawFrustumComponent_YY) Already registered. Aborting.

Where XX and YY increment each time. Any idea what causes this? The player is destroyed by the Kill Z setup in world settings.

Anyway so far it doesn’t seem to be causing any issues but I just want to find out what this could be.

Maybe this is causing an issue. After I respawn a few times it crashes randomly after the pawn is dead and the respawn function is called.