Console command sending event back to blueprint via ke failure.

I’m on 5.1.1
I have a camera pawn that takes a “HighResShot” via a console command.
The console command is asynchronous, so I don’t know when it completes.
I’ve added a pipe to the console command: | ke myPawn snapshotDone
This triggers a snapshotDone event on myPawn when the highresshot completes.
When it triggers, I can inspect “self” to confirm it is myPawn, but none of the object references or values I’ve stored on myPawn are valid. I can’t even get the controller from myPawn when the event triggers.
How can I have a console command event trigger on myPawn with the object fully realized?

Problem avoided.
There is now a “Take High Res Screenshot” blueprint command so I no longer need to use a console command. It returns an Automation Editor Task Object reference, which can be monitored for completion.

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